Saturday, October 29, 2011


So, I started a blog with this same name once, and I have decided to delete it and import all the posts to a new account that's tied to my universal Google account for simplicity's sake :) All the posts prior to this one are from the old blog. Here begins the new one! So, here's a bit of info on what this is about and why I'm doing all this!

1)Why the name "She made the Sun Stand Still?"
     If you've read the book "Sun Stand Still" by Pastor Steven Furtick, then you probably get it. And if you haven't read it, then you really need to. It's a wonderful book about having true faith in God and not limiting Him with your small faith. I have named my blog "She made the Sun Stand Still" because that is what I want to do in my life, through God. I don't want to hold back in my faith. I don't want to live a mediocre life. I want to see miracles happen in my life that people will see and know without a doubt that it came from God and not me.

2)Why Blog?
   I keep a written journal, but it's mostly a prayer journal that I use to speak with God. It's also a serious venting and praising journal. I use it to decompress and celebrate and all kinds of things. I want to use this blog as a more public record of what is happening in my life. The Lord is always teaching me things and I'm in such a phase of transition. I figured, why not type it up and share it with the internet. Whether or not anyone reads is of little consequence.

3)What should I expect?
   All manner of things. I plan on posting my notes from Church on Mondays, as well as some personal thoughts on what was said. I'll probably talk about different books I'm reading, and there will of course be all kinds of general life stuff. Hopefully it'll be fun!