Monday, August 30, 2010


I was reading in my devotional the other day and God sent me this little golden nugget of encouragement, so I thought I would share it here :)

If I were to hand you a fragile, newborn baby girl, I know that you would protect her with your life. Your arms would be strong, your feet sure, and your eyes ever watchful. Be careful, my trusted one! for I have placed something just as precious and delicate with in you. It is your heart...your very life! Treasure it. Protect it. Watch over it with all your strength. For the world and all its pleasures are like kidnappers who will stop at nothing to steal your heart away from ME and destroy it. I want what is best for you, my treasured one, and although you sometimes feel that the sinful pleasure of this world don't seem harmful, they will separate you from Me. Just as a newborn is helpless without loving care, you also will suffer if your heart is taken from Me. So I'm asking you to guard your heart and cling to Me, the source of you life.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23

Monday, August 16, 2010

To be Known is to be Loved

One of the campers this summer did this monologue about the woman at the well, and I loved it. So I'm sharing it here :) I'll put the words below.

I am a woman of no distinction
of little importance.
I am a women of no reputation
save that which is bad.

You whisper as I pass by and cast judgmental glances,
Though you don’t really take the time to look at me,
Or even get to know me.

For to be known is to be loved,
And to be loved is to be known.
Otherwise what’s the point in doing
either one of them in the first place?


I want someone to look at my face
And not just see two eyes, a nose,
a mouth and two ears;
But to see all that I am, and could be
all my hopes, loves and fears.

But that’s too much to hope for,
to wish for,
or pray for
So I don’t, not anymore.

Now I keep to myself
And by that I mean the pain
that keeps me in my own private jail
The pain that’s brought me here
at midday to this well.

To ask for a drink is no big request
but to ask it of me?
A woman unclean, ashamed,
Used and abused
An outcast, a failure
a disappointment, a sinner.

No drink passing from these hands
to your lips could ever be refreshing
Only condemning, as I’m sure you condemn me now
But you don't.

You’re a man of no distinction;
Though of the utmost importance.
A man with little reputation, at least so far.

You whisper and tell me to my face
what all those glances have been about, and
You take the time to really look at me.
But don’t need to get to know me.

For to be known is to be loved and
To be loved is to be known.

And you know me.
You actually know me;
all of me and everything about me.
Every thought inside and hair on top of my head;
Every hurt stored up, every hope, every dread.

My past and my future, all I am and could be.
You tell me everything,
you tell me about me!

And that which is spoken by another
would bring hate and condemnation.
Coming from you brings love, grace,
mercy, hope and salvation.

I’ve heard of one to come
who could save a wretch like me
And here in my presence, you say
I AM He.

To be known is to be loved;
And to be loved is to be known.

And I just met you.
But I love you.
I don’t know you,
but I want to get to.

Let me run back to town
this is way to much for just me.
There are others: brothers,
sisters, lovers, haters.

The good and the bad, sinners and saints
who should hear what you’ve told me;
who should see what you’ve shown me;
who should taste what you gave me;
who should feel how you forgave me.

For to be known is to be loved;
And to be loved is to be known.
And they all need this, too.
We all do
Need it for our own.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Year Ahead

I've been kicking an idea around in my head for the last few weeks. It may seem a little crazy to some, and to other no big deal. After a lot of thought and prayer, I feel like this idea is something I want to carry out. So what's my idea?

A year without dating.

Now, some of you will say, "Well, Bri, you didn't actually date anyone last year either." I'm aware of this. What I DID do was hope for the chance to date people. So when I say "a year without dating" I mean a year where I not only don't date anyone, but I also restrain myself from crushing on and daydreaming about my brothers in (and out of) Christ.

Something I've always struggled with is letting myself get caught up in daydreams and wishes of possible relationships. I'll let innocent interactions with guy friends turn in to something else entirely in my head, and then end up in awkward situations. Or let my imagination run away, and get myself hurt because I interpreted one thing as something completely different. This has been something I've usually really struggled with at camp because of all the amazing men of Christ that work there with me. This past summer, thanks to a lot of prayer to and help from God, I was able to break the cycle. I can honestly say, I made it through the summer without a full-blown crush on any of the staff members. I learned that in order to do that, I had to do two things; not talk about boys and pray that God would hold captive my thoughts and my heart. And I fully intend on continuing to do those two things for the next year ahead, along with a few other strategies I have to keep myself focused.

I hope no one thinks I'm doing this just to say I have done it or anything silly like that. I am embarking on this quest so that I can better focus on God and His will in my life right now. I too often get caught up in what may lie ahead and forget about what I have to do today. I know that the Lord has great plans for me now and in the future. And I know that, as of right now, He wants me single so that I can follow His plans. So that's what this is all about.

Ultimately, I am undertaking this challenge to better serve my Lord and God. To better love Him and to better further His kingdom. So I hope you'll go along with me and encourage me and keep me accountable, because I know it will be tough and I know I can't do it alone.