Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Of Marriage and Plans

So, I always talk about how I have no plan past graduating college. Like I’m leaving my whole life open to God for him to guide me. But I realized something today. That’s not what I’m truly saying. I put a “but” in there. I’m actually limiting God. I typically say “I don’t really know what I’m going to do in the future other than graduate college, but I do know I get married and have kids. All I want to be is a mom.”

What I think I’m saying is “My future is entirely up to God.” But what I’m truly saying is “My future is entirely up to God, as long as it involves me getting married and starting a family.” I can’t think of how to label that statement and idea. It’s like I feel like my life will be best served as a married mother. I just assume that’s part of God’s plan for me. But what if I’m called to be single? What if that’s how I’ll best serve God? And how else do I limit him without knowing it?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Matthew 6:34

Matthew 6:34
   "Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

This should be my life quote. So much of my time is spend day dreaming, planning, and worrying. And one vital thing is always missing from these day dreams and plans, God. I'm thinking of MY plan, not his. If I would just write this verse on my heart, and keep it in mind, I would save myself a lot of hurt. I would probably sleep better and be much less stressed. I wouldn't be disappointed when my big plans fall through, because I would be focusing on God's big plans. As stated in "The Shack", God lives in the present, not in the future, and so should we (a very rough paraphrase). I mean, yes He is in the future, but like I said, our plans and day dreams don't take into account what He has planned for us.

Why is it so hard to just have faith in His provision and His planning? Why do we have to be so Type A and have each and everything planned out? 

Monday, April 20, 2009

You know, I think it's really great to spend time with people who don't share the same views as you. As much as I hate to debate with people, it's good for you and your faith. I spent the weekend with my friend Rochelle, and although we're both Christians, we have some very different views and opinions on things in the Bible. At first I was apprehensive about talking with her and sharing my opposing view, but I realized she would listen and understand. I actually really enjoyed it. 

Too often people get into heated debates and have no respect for their opponent, which is why I avoid debates of any type. I think despite how it CAN turn out sometimes, you should engage in these conversations. It forces you to actually think about what you believe in and to analyze why you believe what you do. Even if their argument is better than yours, you aren't wrong. You just need to learn more. And you can even learn things you didn't realize before.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

When I first started working at TVR last summer, it felt like I was told to pray about everything. About what to say if I had to confront someone, about what my college major was, about what salad dressing to use. Okay, maybe not about salad dressing, but that's how it felt.
     When I was younger and I lost something my mom would always tell me to pray that God would help me find it. I would just say "Yeah, yeah..I'll do that" but not, because it felt silly and I felt like that wouldn't help. I mean, why would God care that I lost my book in the mess of my room? So what if I couldn't find my house keys?

The other day I was at work, feeling stressed and feeling the beginning of a migraine. I had a huge list of files to pull, and even more files to refile. After sitting at the front desk for 30 minutes trying to fill out 6 lines on  a fax, but getting interrupeted every two seconds by phone calls and people coming in freaking out about registration, then a 10 minute fight with the fax machine...all those files were still in the back. Nicole had pulled the ones for the next day, but I still had a stack of files at least 8 inches tall to file. Staring at the millions of files lining the walls of the file room overwhelmed me. All I wanted was to go home and get in bed. Not put away a hundred or so files. I was stressed to say the least.

Until I leaned against the files and prayed. I prayed the Lord would soothe my headache and take away the stress. And BAM. In that moment I could literally feel a wave of peace wash over me. The more I grow in the Lord the more I realize there really is something behind praying about everything, maybe even about salad dressing...